News and Updates
Newest posts are first.
Post-Pandemic Update
by Marguerite | October 24, 2023 | News | 0 Comments
Now that we seem to be past the pandemic restrictions, I look forward to getting more people involved in video obedience titles in Companion Dog Sports Program. I'll also be updating the links to current rules and making the changes to the worksheets now that the...
Program Updates During Pandemic
by Marguerite | March 27, 2020 | News | 0 Comments
I'm putting into place some rules adapted for social-distancing and lower dog registration fees, including free registration for dogs already enrolled in the parent Companion Dog Sports Program venue. Give me a day, more or less, to do the updates and we'll all get...
First Title Is in the Mail
by Marguerite | February 8, 2018 | News | 0 Comments
Congratulations to MJ Trate and ESPN on earning the first title conferred by CDSP Video. The are now Novice (CD-Cv) title holders. On to Open!
Congratulations to Our First Titling Team
by Marguerite | February 1, 2018 | News | 0 Comments
Congratulations to our first title holders! MJ Trate and Red Oaks Hat Trick (ESPN) of Wisconsin completed their Novice title (CD-Cv) and are already looking forward to working in Open. Head over to the Qualifiers page to see their videos.
Welcome to Our New Web Site!
by Marguerite | January 20, 2018 | News | 0 Comments
CDSP Video has become large enough for us to launch a web site! This is where you can find all the information and documents you need to get going in earning obedience titles by video, under Companion Dog Sports Program rules. Watch for site additions and...